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Argiope in numbers

Currently in Argiope's poetry database there are 906 poems. The sum of all of their versions is 1942. These 46631 verses are written resp. translated by 605 persons (counting "anonymous" as one person).

Perhaps it is a little bit funny to mention some average values: There are 2.14 versions per poem, 24.01 verses per version, 1.50 poems per poet/translator and 3.21 versions per poet/translator. (Okay, at least the last two values are completely senseless, but they are cute, aren't they?)

As this is the poetry database of Manfred Retzlaff I want to mention that 275 of all versions are translations by him. This means that 14.16% of all versions are written by him. If you let away the 906 original versions and if you assume that the remaining 1036 versions are translations, then 26.54% of all translations are done by Manfred.

The Forum consists of 4 entries with altogether 853 comments, and the Weblog has got 1 entry.

This is the status as of Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:27:16 GMT.