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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Christian Morgenstern * Der Werwolf German Arg-1652-825 2013-02-11 18:44 Manfred only this add
Hans Eiseneck El Hechicero hispana Arg-1656-825 2013-02-13 18:46 Manfred only this remove
Bertilo Wennergren La lupfantomo Esperanto Arg-1653-825 2013-02-14 23:29 Manfred only this add
R. Platteau Le loup-garou French Arg-1655-825 2013-02-13 21:56 Manfred only this add
Max Knight The Banshee (An Approach) English Arg-1660-825 2013-02-13 22:36 Manfred only this add
Alexander Gross The Werewolf English Arg-1657-825 2013-02-13 18:39 Manfred only this remove
Sven Collberg Varulven Swedish Arg-1654-825 2013-02-13 17:00 Manfred only this add

Christian Morgenstern,
El Hechicero


Christian Morgenstern,
The Werewolf

translated by Hans Eiseneck   translated by Alexander Gross
Un hechicero, con esposa   A Werewolf, troubled by his name,
vino un día a la fosa   Left wife and brood one night and came
de su maestro, y al profesor   To a hidden graveyard to enlist
pidió: “¿Me cuentas? ¡Por favor!”   The aid of a long-dead philologist.
El profesor sin vacilar   “Oh sage, wake up, please don’t berate me,”
subió y comenzó a hablar.   He howled sadly, “Just conjugate me.”
Desde allá de su letrero   The seer arose a bit unsteady
se dirigió al hechicero:   Yawned twice, wheezed once, and then was ready.
“El hechiuno” le explica,   “Well, ‘Werewolf’ is your plural past,
“el hechidos” después indica,   While ‘Waswolf’ is singularly cast:
“el hechitres” dice al fin,   There’s ‘Amwolf’ too, the present tense,
“con eso basta ¡chiquitín!”   And ‘Iswolf,’ ‘Arewolf’ in this same sense.”
El hechicero, conmovido   “I know that--I’m no mental cripple--
por lo que capta su oído,   The future form and participle
al maestro ruega, encantado,   Are what I crave,” the beast replied.
que le adjunte un quebrado.   The scholar paused--again he tried:
Pero el profesor confiesa   “A ‘Will-be-wolf?’ It’s just too long:
que nada sabe con certeza:   ‘Shall-be-wolf?’ ‘Has-been-wolf?’ Utterly wrong!
“Hay muchos hechos. Hechiceros   Such words are wounds beyond all suture--
únicamente hay enteros.”   I’m sorry, but you have no future.”
El brujo se volvió muy triste:   The Werewolf knew better--his sons still slept
“Mi cara mitad, ¿no la viste?”   At home, and homewards now he crept,
Ya que no era sabio   Happy, humble, without apology
con gratitud se despidió.   For such folly of philology.
Translation of the German poem "Der Werwolf"
by Christian Morgenstern (Kristiano
Matenstelo, *1871-05-06 - †1914-03-31)
into hispana by Hans Eiseneck.

Tiu ĉi trsduko en la kastilian lingvon
troviĝas en http://bertilow.com/literaturo/lupfantomo.html.
  Translation of the German poem "Der Werwolf"
by Christian Morgenstern (Kristiano
Matenstelo, *1871-05-06 - †1914-03-31)
into English by Alexander Gross.

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