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author  [first name] title language publication id code last modification view
Caroline Keppel * Robin Adair English Arg-2077-1025 2014-05-27 15:55 Manfred only this remove
Adela Schafer Sen la karul' Esperanto Arg-2078-1025 2014-05-28 13:34 Manfred only this add
Wilhelm Gerhard Treu und herzinniglich German 1826 Arg-2079-1025 2014-05-27 15:42 Manfred only this add

Caroline Keppel,
Robin Adair

What's this dull town to me
Robin's not near
What was't I wish'd to see
What wish'd to hear
Where all the joy and mirth
Made this town heaven on earth
Oh, they're all fled with thee
Robin Adair
What made th' assembly shine
Robin Adair
What made the ball sae fine
Robin was there
What when the play was o'er
What made my heart so sore
Oh, it was parting with
Robin Adair
But now thou'rt cold to me
Robin Adair
But now thou'rt cold to me
Robin Adair
Yet he I loved so well
Still in my heart shall dwell
Oh, I can ne'er forget
Robin Adair
Author of this English poem is Caroline
Keppel (*1734 - †1769).

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