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Esperanto Angla Germana
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N. N. 21 Stenka Rasin Germana Arg-1038-478 2010-03-09 15:31 Manfred nur tiun forigu
Frieder Weigold Sten'ka Razin Esperanto Arg-928-478 2009-10-30 16:18 mgr nur tiun aldonu
Tr. Jacob Robbins Sten'ka Razin Angla 1921 Arg-1039-478 2010-03-09 17:06 Manfred nur tiun forigu
Kristian Langgaard Volga, Volga (Stenjka Rasin) Esperanto Arg-1036-478 2010-03-08 21:19 Manfred nur tiun aldonu
N. N. 20 Volga, Volga (Stenka Rasin) Danish Arg-1037-478 2010-03-08 12:16 Manfred nur tiun aldonu
Дмитрий Николаевич Садовников * Из-за острова на стрежень (Стенька Разин) Rusa Arg-927-478 2010-03-07 18:59 Manfred nur tiun aldonu

Дмитрий Николаевич Садовников,
Sten'ka Razin


Дмитрий Николаевич Садовников,
Stenka Rasin

tradukita de Tr. Jacob Robbins   tradukita de N. N. 21
1. From beyond the wooded island   In den Wellen hinter Inseln
To the river wide and free   Ziehen Kähne malerisch, -
Proudly sailed the arrow-breasted   |: Fangen leis an aufzuwachen,
Ships of Cossack yeomanry.   Bang ist jedes Angesicht. :|
2. On the first is Stenka Razin   Stenka Rasin vorn als erster,
With a princess at his side,   Selig in der Trunkenheit,
|: Drunken, holds a marriage revel   |: Hält im Arme die Prinzessin,
With his beautiful young bride. :|   Die er eben erst befreit. :|
3. But behind them rose a whisper,   ..................................................
"He has left his sword to woo;   ..................................................
|: One short night, and Stenka Razin   ..................................................
Has become a woman too!" :|   ..................................................
4. Stenka Razin hears the jeering   ..................................................
Of his discontented band,   ..................................................
|: And the lovely Persian princess   ..................................................
He has circled with his hand. :|   ..................................................
5. His black brows have come together   ..................................................
As the waves of anger rise,   ..................................................
|: And the blood comes rushing swiftly   ..................................................
To his piercing, jet-black eyes. :|   ..................................................
6. "I will give you all you ask for,   ..................................................
Life and heart, and head and hand,"   ..................................................
|: Echo rolls the pealing thunder   ..................................................
Of his voice across the land. :|   ..................................................
7. "Volga, Volga, mother Volga,   Plötzlich tönt ein dumpf Gemurre:
Deep and wide beneath the sun,   Er verrät uns um ein Weib,
|: You have never seen a present   |: All der Seinen Glück vergißt er
From the Cossack of the Don. :|   Um geringen Zeitvertreib. :|
8. And that peace might rule as always   Wolga, Wolga, Mutter Wolga,
All my free-born men and brave,   Ruhig fließest du dahin,
|: Volga, Volga, mother Volga,   |: Ahnst nicht, was ein Donkosake
Volga, make this girl a grave." :|   Fürchterliches hat im Sinn. :|
9. With a sudden, mighty movement,   ..................................................
Razin lifts the beauty high,   ..................................................
|: And he casts her where the waters   ..................................................
Of the Volga move and sigh. :|   ..................................................
10. Now a silence like the grave sinks   Vorn als erster Stenka Rasin
To all those who stand to see,   Hebt das Weib in wilder Wut, -
|: And the battle-hardened Cossacks   |: Wolga, Wolga, nimm ein Opfer!
Sink to weep on bended knee. :|   Und er wirft sie in die Flut. :|
11. "Dance, you fool, and men, make merry!   Und er sieht sie untergehen,
What has got into your eyes?   Hört noch ihren Jammerschrei:
|: Let us thunder out a chanty   |: Stirb als Opfer meiner Treue!
Of a place where beauty lies." :|   Stenka Rasin, er ist frei. :|
12. From beyond the wooded island   Und die Kähne ziehen weiter,
To the river wide and free,   Und die Kähne ziehen fort,
|: Proudly sail the arrow-breasted   |: Und die Wolga fließet weiter
Ships of Cossack yeomanry. :|   Über diesen Schreckensort.
  Traduko de la Rusa poemo "Из-за
острова на стрежень
(Стенька Разин)" de Дмитрий
Николаевич Садовников
(Dmitrij Nikolajeviĉ Sadownikow, *1847
- †1883) en la Germanan de N. N.

Mi, Manfred Retzlaff, trovis tiun ĉi
germanigon de la kanto en
Latinskriba aliskribo kaj laŭvorta
germanigo troveblas en
Vidu ankaŭ la vikipedian retejon
Traduko de la Rusa poemo "Из-за
острова на стрежень
(Стенька Разин)" de Дмитрий
Николаевич Садовников
(Dmitrij Nikolajeviĉ Sadownikow, *1847
- †1883) en la Anglan de Tr. Jacob
Robbins en 1921.

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